Search for Research: The Race for a Microgrant is On!
There are exactly three weeks left in Search for Research and the proposals are fantastic! It’s going to come down to the wire so we’ve listed the top 20 entries to encourage people to vote for proposals they think deserve the money and to inspire them to submit their own ideas. The titles alone could be the names of books, Hollywood movies, kids toys or country songs, and the research proposed is even more interesting!
It’s not too late to enter the contest for your shot at a microgrant! The winner will be determined by the total number of votes received, so you may be able to leapfrog into the lead simply by asking your friends to vote for you a few times!
Here are the top 20 (ranked by votes):
- Super Potatoes!!!
- Bacterial Super-Ninjas
- Mummified Baboons and the Lost Land of Punt
- Human Impact on Parasites and Primates
- Food Scraps Composting for Sustainability
- Pythons Like it Hot
- Mind-boggling!
- Killing Prostate Cancer Cells
- Anticancer action of Bilberry extract
- *Sniff!*
- Need money to buy food, need food to work EXTRA HARD in lab
- Statistics help!
- Zap! You’re Cured!
- How would you like to wear a bag of your own poop all day?
- If my software were any older, I’d be running a Commodore 64
- Save Research One Back at a Time…
- Feeding the World
- Computing Equipment for Phylogenetic Analysis
- Combustion Heat of Dilute Organic Materials
- Cancer biology: why are there no tumors of the eye lens?
To read more, vote or enter? Follow these easy steps:
Step 1: Go to the BenchFly Facebook Page
Step 2: Click the “Contests” Tab.
Step 3: Select “Enter Contest”, “Vote Now” or “Invite Friends”
Step 4: (If clicked “Vote Now”) Select “See all Entries” to browse proposals.
Step 5: Click the title to read the proposal and Click “Vote Now” to cast your vote.
You can vote for as many different entries as you like – one time each per day – so help support your favorites by coming back often!
Thanks for participating and Good Luck!