Oil? Check. Heat? Check. Veggies, chicken, stir-fry sauce? Check. Check. Check. Kitchen full of smoke!? Fire alarm!?!?
Being a scientist isn’t just about doing experiments, so neither are we. This is where we make breakthroughs beyond the bench for scientists.
Does Chemistry Impact Your Life?
Sunday (October 18th) marked the beginning of National Chemistry Week, so more than usual, we’ve got chemistry on the brain. During this week, organizations like The American Chemical Society run a number of great programs to increase awareness of chemistry, particularly among younger students. But what about the rest of us – what is the perception of how chemistry affects our lives directly?
Bar Chemistry that Could Save Your Life
Forensic science is an integral part of life these days. Whether it’s a blood test at a crime scene or a paternity test on Maury, chemistry plays a critical role in solving many modern mysteries. Unfortunately, many of the techniques are applicable after the crime has taken place. However, for one class of terrifying drug-assisted assaults, simple chemistry is taking a preventative role.
What Threatens Us Most?
Anyone who’s ever been on a plane knows that our bodies are constantly battling to keep us safe. Whether it’s a pressurized cabin at 37,000 ft, or a brand-new hospital at sea level, infectious agents pose a serious threat to our health. Over the past several months, talk of the H1N1 pandemic has dominated the news, but is that truly our biggest threat?
What Influences Your Research?
Stay Motivated in Lab
Science can be like Baywatch. Well, there are decidedly fewer bikinis and speedos, but there are similarities. Specifically, there are times when all of us feel like we’re drowning. Learning how to stay motivated in lab through the natural ebb and flow of good results is an essential skill for becoming a successful scientist.
What is Your Lab Nightmare?
Slow Cooker Magic: Italian Beef
Whoever invented the slow cooker (aka, crock pot) must have been a scientist… “How can I set up my meal in five minutes so that when I get home tonight, around 12 hours from now, an incredible meal will await?” Well we should all take a moment to honor that genius, because without their invention, deliciousness like this wouldn’t be possible…
Choose Your Lab Superpower
Own a Pet in Grad School? Consider this first…
Pets can prove to be a good choice in graduate school. In fact, studies have shown that pets (mostly dogs) can help to battle loneliness1, reduce stress2, and improve mood3, three areas that any grad student could use a little help in. However, if you don’t do your research first, you may feel the opposite of these effects. That’s why we are providing a guide to deciding whether a pet is right for you at this stage in your life.