Today is launch day and like the day you synthesized your first compound, cloned your first construct, or gave your first talk without feeling like you were going to wet yourself – we’re proud and excited….and dry.
As a chemist, the idea that I’d ever be able to put together a website never dawned on me. Thinking about it now, it shouldn’t have. I can’t put one together… BenchFly is a result of the hard work of many people. I don’t want to turn this into an Oscar ceremony, but it’s important to get the acknowledgements in up front. To prevent violating anyone’s privacy (or employment contracts), we’ll keep it to first names. Thank you so much to Larry, Kirem, Nancy, Leslie, Meikam, Bob, Geoff, Eric, Jason, Dan, Walter, Mike, Rachel, Ronen, Jo, Steve, Jim, Irwin, Anne, Michael, Alan, Leona, Matt, Peter, Dimitry, Waneta, Katie, Richard, Alex and Dave. And special thanks to the stars of some of the currently posted videos, Sven, Steve, Brenda, Aaron, Tom and Bill.
They are the original BenchFly Catalysts, donating their time and energy to help us achieve Our Mission.
Follow these two steps to get the experiment underway:
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