No, I’m not going to leap out of the internet wearing slices of cheese held together with spaghetti (I know you’re breathing a sigh of relief.) I’ve combined a vintage recipe with electronics and half quixotic tricks to make a hypnotic dish!
Easiest Mac or Godey’s Ladies Meet Lady Ga-Ga
Sensational Science in the Popular Press: Can Anyone Get it Right?
This month for “Sensational Science” I decided to resist my go-to sensational blogs and look around some popular press (OK, TV). How popular? I’m talking ABC, FOX, BBC, etc. It doesn’t get more popular than that. But before I get into some of the misleading headlines these giants dole out, I want to take a moment to reflect on the prominence of science news in the most popular of presses: the websites of these TV organizations. For lack of a better order, I’ll go alphabetical.
I’m Just Mad About Saffron….
The Impending Death of Scientific Journals
If Copernicus had a website – assuming “” was still available – it probably would have been much easier to spread the word about his novel theory. Instead, he depended on a publisher to reprint and distribute the work. For centuries, scientists have relied on publishers and scientific journals to make public their findings and until about fifteen years ago, it was hard to imagine that system might ever change. But we’re in the 21st century now – an era that promises interplanetary travel, holographic tv, personal jetpacks, and an end to Dancing with the Stars. In such a fast-paced, technologically-savvy society can traditional publishing mechanisms really survive or are we about to witness death of scientific journals?
Know Your Role: Enzymes and Their Unexpected Physiological Functions
Did you ever see the episode “Mirror, Mirror” in the original Star Trek series? In a nutshell: Kirk, McCoy, Scotty and Uhura get sent- via one of many transporter accidents- to a parallel universe where people and places are the same, but their history and behaviour are strikingly different. Instead of the enlightened Federation, there’s the barbaric Terran Empire its subjugated alien species. Rather than earning promotions, crew members of the ISS Enterprise advance by assassinating their superiors. And in the boldest fashion statement of all, Spock is rocking a beard. The so-called mirror universe is explored again in several episodes of Deep Space Nine. In the first DS9 mirror-themed episode, Kira provides one of the simplest and most elegant explanations of the mirror universe: “the players are the same but everyone seems to be playing different parts.”
Open Notebook Advertising: Making Science Pay, Literally.
Two of the most critical components of successful research are: 1) funding to support experiments, and 2) well-kept lab notebooks to document the results. Over the past decade, technology has facilitated the transition from paper- to web-based notebooks, providing the opportunity to expand access to the lab notebook from your labmates to anyone with an Internet connection. Unfortunately, the recent economic environment has not provided a similar increase in access to funding and many labs have suffered as a consequence. But what if the lab notebook itself could help fund research? On the Internet, a phrase like “expand access to anyone with an Internet connection” sure sounds like advertising opportunity…
Does a Fellowship Yield Scientific Independence or Does the Boss Rule?
I’m graduating in the next year and will be applying for postdoc labs and fellowships as soon as possible. If I get a fellowship that pays for my salary and supplies, do I have any obligation to do the project my postdoctoral advisor wants me to do – or can I say no and do my own thing?
– Thom, Grad student
Sweet Relief: How Sugar May Help Reverse Climate Change
This is one of those stories that made me go “WOW that’s cool!” I know, I know, I’m a giant nerd. Also, I’m a biologist not a chemist, so I hope I manage to do it justice.
Potatoes Kill Cancer With Electrons from Fukushima? Suspicious Indeed.
There are no shortage of headlines in the news that make me want to dig deeper and find out the truth. Below I’ve highlighted a few of the past month’s notable offenders as examples of how the headlines that the popular press shares with the public don’t always match up with what the scientific press actually reports. Or, as in most cases, how the report is twisted in such a way to make for a good “story”.
The Arrogant Labmate: Face ’em or Forget ’em?
A new postdoc joined our lab and he walks around like he owns the place- showing no respect to any of the grad students. As a 5th year student, I feel like I deserve some respect, especially since I’ve been working here way longer than he has. Plus, the postdoc has only been a “doc” for about 3 weeks. I want to put him in his place, but I’m not sure what to say or if I’m just being too sensitive.
– mama griz, graduate student