Last week on 30 Rock Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) and her show came under attack for playing into feminine stereotypes. A flashback to several sketches showed the punchline for each relying on PMS, with Jenna (Jane Krakowski) suddenly proclaiming she got her period and turning into a crazed and irrational human being. And then Liz followed suit, screaming at her writers “I just got my period, you’re all fired!” Maybe if she’d taken her fatty acid supplement she wouldn’t have experienced these symptoms, new research shows.
Are Fatty Acids the Cure for PMS?
5 Reasons Every Scientist Needs a Homepage
“Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.” – Michael Corleone, just after trying to delete his Facebook account.
The days of passively searching the Internet are over. We’re now expected to be active participants – try living without an email account – or risk looking like someone writing a check at a grocery store. As our online activity and number of accounts across the web grows, managing our presence feels a lot like herding cats. Fortunately, there is a simple solution that every scientist should examine – creating a homepage.
Innovation: The Value of Your Ideas
So you had a great idea and you think it might be worth a few bucks. That’s excellent, but your intuition will probably not be enough to move forward with the idea. Not to mention that you may have to spend a few thousand dollars on IP protection before you move forward, so you’ll probably want to be somewhat certain your idea has value worthy of commercialization before you go spending that kind of money. In order for you to ballpark the value of your invention, I’m going to give you some guidelines to perform your own very rough market research using nothing but your analytical capability and the tools you probably use everyday.
BenchFly’s Scientist Homepage Challenge
Today we’re incredibly excited to kick-off our Scientist Homepage Challenge! There are no good reasons scientists shouldn’t have a web presence and the great folks over at agree. We’re working together to enable scientists to create beautiful homepages and to reward the crowd favorites with a full year of premium services at It only takes a few minutes, so during your next incubation, follow these three easy steps and join The Challenge!
My Boss Treats Me Like Rodney Dangerfield, No Respect.
I’m a 6th year grad student and my boss has essentially written me off. He doesn’t support me at all and essentially acts like I’m an invisible person. Of course, now is the time when I need his help the most (pushing for graduation, finding a postdoc/job, letter of reference). How can I get him back on my side?
– Shan, grad student
Botanical Sleuthing Recovers Endangered Maguire Daisy
Today we’re unveiling our ‘Mind the Gap’ series, which dives deeper into stories that we feel deserved a bit more attention. Each piece will contain it’s own “gap” to mind and the first reader to leave a comment with the missing word will get their name added to the blog and will receive a sweet new BenchFly mug!
A Message from the Department of Lab Security
Sensational Science Headlines: Read This or Die
Ever see a news article title and have to do a double take? For example: “Drunk scientists pour wine on superconductors and make an incredible discovery”. Sensational science headlines like that make me want to dig deeper and find out the truth. In this example the cited “source” is indeed a report on the effect that different forms of alcohol have on superconductivity, but there is no evidence that the scientists were drunk, or that their research was accidental in any way.
Selecting a Postdoc: Should I Stay or Should I Go?
As the light at the end of the grad school tunnel gets brighter, our thoughts move towards our post-graduation plans. For many of us, the next step in our research career involves postdoctoral research- yet finding the right opportunity can be complicated to say the least. Do we stay in the same field? Should we consider working for a competitor? Is that seriously how much a postdoc makes?
So You’re Saying 50 Fellowship Applications is Enough?
How many fellowship applications do most people submit when starting their postdoc?
– Dom, grad student