Mac vs. PC: What Side are You On?

Few things can polarize a room full of technology geeks like the question of computer allegiance.  For decades, Apple was like Danny Bonaduce in that it appealed to a small sliver of the population.  Very small.  Compared to popular PC brands such as HP, Dell, Toshiba and others, Macs appealed to a niche market.  But this May, something remarkable happened – Apple’s stock price completed a nearly 10-fold increase over the past five years and the company overtook Microsoft as the most valuable technology company in the world.  But if you’re like most, that probably hasn’t changed your computer loyalty.

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5 Laboratory Techniques That’ll Get You Punched in the Face

When first learning laboratory techniques, it’s important to start with the ones that will help you keep your front teeth.  We’ve discussed some of the best ways to fit into a lab, but often the worst offenders don’t even realize what they’re doing wrong.  So this is directed at the select few who are making life difficult for the rest of us.  If it turns out you’re “accidentally” performing one of these, it might be better to knock it off before getting knocked out

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Is World Cup Killing Your Experiments (and Your Hearing)?

The World Cup kicked off on Friday, no doubt to a huge decline in international productivity.  As the tournament gains momentum and tv coverage increases, many researchers find themselves asking “How am I going to get any work done this month?!”  Many are also asking, “Am I going to have to watch the entire tournament on mute?!”

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LabLibs: Let Chuck Norris Protect Your Bench

Hmm, on Friday we had six eppi tube racks and three pipetman.  Then we took Monday off.  Now we have one eppi rack and zero pipetman – that math doesn’t seem right.  Looks like it’s time to call in the big guns…

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The Lab Budget’s in More Red than a Friday the 13th Movie

Dear Dora: Lab budgetDear Dora,

Our lab frequently operates in the red, but my PI says it’s normal.  Are they telling the truth or should I be seriously concerned about my job security?

-Wes, grad student

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Tim Lee Tickets: Enter Our Fan Appreciation Giveaway!

Mel Brooks was close when he said “Humor is just another defense against the universe.”  Scientist-turned-comedian Tim Lee, PhD might say it’s really “the best defense against the lab.”  Science can be a profession of highs and lows and I’m not going to say where we spend most of our time… So how can we pull ourselves out of a slump or celebrate the week’s good results?  That’s right, comedy.

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The Lab Group Outing: Are We Having Fun Yet?!

The group outing can be an essential morale booster and a source of stories and inside jokes for years to come.  As Dora discussed in her recent article, Is a Lab Holiday Party Too Much To Ask For, many students and postdocs look forward to these events, even if they have to take the reigns to plan it.  However, the group outing and can range from really fun to really, really awkward.  So as a first step in avoiding 60 minutes of uncomfortable silence, let’s find out what we really want.

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If You Don’t Disaster-Proof Your Bench Now, You’ll Hate Yourself Later

I was recently in Nashville, TN when a storm of the century hit the area.  What started out as a typical thunderstorm, escalated to a relentless pounding by thunder, wind and rain.  After two days of flooding and landslides, many homes and businesses were destroyed and clean water was a luxury. The tragedy highlighted just how quickly things can go from sunny to scary and while we may have insurance on our homes, we surely don’t take out a policy on our bench.  But that could be a big mistake…

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Is a Lab Holiday Party Too Much to Ask For?!

Dear Dora: Lab holiday partyDear Dora,

Is it too much to expect a holiday party from your PI- even if it’s just a lunch outing?

-TJ, graduate student

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You Should Try Some PCP: A Model Scientific Conference

Recently we asked how many conferences scientists should attend each year.  The vast majority of respondents felt two conferences a year was the ideal number – enough to make it to a large society meeting and a small, specialized conference.  While most of us are familiar with the format of the usual suspects (ACS, AACR, SfN, Gordon conferences – the list goes on), there is another model out there that deserves some attention.

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