
Growth Factor and Stem Cell Reagents

Gold Biotechnology


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Goldbio launches a new line of Growth Factors and Stem Cell Reagents

This video provides information on growth factors, or, recombinant proteins, or, cytokines, also referred to as stem cell culture and neuronal culture. This is a new product offering from GoldBio.

Announcing an exciting development at GoldBio. We have recently launched our newest product, a Recombinant Protein. Growth factors, or cytokines are a type of stem cell and neuronal culture used in many research applications as it relates to the very cellular building blocks.

A downloadable PDF on the Growth Factor can be found here:
To begin, we have over 35 widely used growth factors available, most notably FGF2 or basic FGF. It is complimented by many other human, rat, and murine growth factors such as BMP, CSF, EGF, EPO, FGF, GDNF, IGF, Noggin, NTF, SHH, VEGF.