98 Search Results for "pipetman and pipette and pipet"  – Page 2

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How to Cool LB-Agar Quickly


After autoclaving, you want to cool LB agar quickly and evenly before adding antibiotic (optional) and pouring the plates. Here's an easy way to bring the temp down quickly so you can pour your plates and get on with your day!

Tagged as: laboratory techniques, science videos, current protocols, bacteria, plates, biology, tip, biochemistry, molecular biology,

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Creating an Aspiration Apparatus


Creating an aspiration apparatus in the hood that has a safety trap and is easy to empty is an important part of good sterile technique. Without the proper equipment, you may end up with a house vac full of liquid and bacteria. So take the time to set up your apparatus right and prevent the hazmat team from shutting you down...

Tagged as: aspiration system, primary containment, secondary containment, filter system, tissue culture, cell culture, vacuum, hood, science videos, current protocols, laboratory techniques, benchfly, cell biology, biochemistry, biology, cells

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Restriction Enzyme Digest Problem: Too Many DNA Bands


It has happened to us all; you run a gel expecting one or two bands, but end up with additional, unexpected bands of varying size and intensity. Typically, these off-target bands are caused by either star activity or partial digestion. Yvette explains both of these phenomena, and gives tips for avoiding them in the future, including optimizing incubation time and using NEB’s High-Fidelity (HF®) Restriction Enzymes.

Tagged as: troubleshooting, molecular biology, cloning,

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Introduction to Gibson Assembly


Learn how Gibson Assembly, a new method for assembling DNA fragments, can make your synthetic biology and cloning experiments quicker and easier than ever before. Save time and improve your yields!

Tagged as: molecular biology, cloning, ligation, ligase

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Perfecta3D Hanging Drop Plates for 3D Spheroid Culture - Pipetting Demo


Perfecta3D Hanging Drop Plates allow researchers to form uniform 3D spheroids or embryoid bodies. In a 96- or 384- well format, users simply pipet their cell suspension into each well, and it hangs in a drop below the well. As cells are in suspension, not in contact with any matrices or surfaces, they self-assemble into a spheroid. One spheroid per well gives researchers control over their data points and the size of each spheroid.

Tagged as: 3d cell culture, 3d spheroids, spheroids, in vitro screening, hanging drops, embryoid bodies, perfecta3d hanging drop plates

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Serial Dilution


Performing a proper serial dilution is important when preparing stock reagents and performing experiments. Here is the technique and the math behind serial dilution.

Tagged as: Serial, dilution, kirkwood, greg, calculation, pipette

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Pouring and Running an Agarose Gel


Knowing how to pour and run DNA agarose gel electrophoresis is essential for many molecular biology techniques. Here I show how to pour agarose gels in two of the most common types of gel boxes.

Tagged as: dna, molecular biology, agar, biology, biochemistry, pcr, cloning,

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Episode 2: Interview with ex-FDA regulator Dr Audrey Jia


Subject matter is "importance and utility of dedicated imaging in cell line development" Dr Jia also touches on some other important topics including legacy cell lines and also drawbacks of the ClonePix for clonality

Tagged as: FDA, cell line development, clonality

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Labratory dillutions for a titration


Often times you need to load different amounts of DNA onto a gel. For a titration for example. Students often struggle with the idea of how to approach this when your solutions are not at the "perfect" concentrations and the fact you have to make choices and they may be wrong. This video helps walk through the process of this type of problem.

Tagged as: dilutions, DNA, load buffer, agarose, concentration

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Visualizing Starved Worms (C.elegans) Over Time


Once C.elegans deplete their bacterial food source and enter starvation mode, their appearance will change with length of starvation. Here we visualize starved C.elegans at 2-weeks and 6-weeks of nutrient deprivation to compare phenotypes of both samples.

Tagged as: c elegans, worms, starvation, starve, laboratory techniques, microscope,


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