98 Search Results for "pipetman and pipette and pipet"  – Page 4

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Estimating Volume in Pipet Tips


Estimating volume in pipet tips visually is an important instinct to develop. A quick visual inspection of the tip before adding to the experiment can save you from accidentally adding 20 microliters of reagent instead of 2 microliters. Here's a guide for estimating P20 volumes.

Tagged as: laboratory techniques, science videos, current protocols, biology, biochemistry, micropipette, micropipet, pipetman, molecular biology

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A Tip for Loading the Ladder in SDS-PAGE


No need to dial the pipetman back and forth between the extreme volumes - here's an easy way to load the right amount of SDS-PAGE ladder without changing volume at all!

Tagged as: bio rad, protein ladder, protein, prestained, precision, plus, laboratory techniques, science videos, current protocols, protein, biochemistry, biology, acrylamide, western, blot, electrophoresis

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How to create a comparison graph


Making a clear and informative graph in Excel can be daunting, unless you are an Excel guru or have slogged through making hundreds of graphs in the past. Here are a few tips to take the frustration out of making a comparison graph.

Tagged as: graph making, Excel, error bars

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Serra do Ramalho, Gruta da Pingueira II


Foraging and interaction behavior of a new amphibian species of Xangoniscus (Oniscidea, Styloniscidae).

Tagged as: Serra do Ramalho, Xangoniscus

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How to use a Semi-dry Transfer Apparatus


A semi-dry transfer apparatus is one of the easiest ways to transfer proteins to nitrocellulose prior to a western blot. The semi-dry transfer has several advantages over a traditional wet transfer including the ease of setup, minimal solvent required, and higher throughput.

Tagged as: Bio-Rad, Biorad, bio rad, western, blot, science videos, laboratory techniques, current protocols, protein, biochemistry, nitrocellulose, biology,

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How to Remove Bubbles When Pouring LB-Agar Plates


Here's an easy way to remove bubbles from LB-agar plates. Bubbles should be avoided because they can make spreading bacteria and identifying colonies difficult.

Tagged as: lb, agar, dna, colony, laboratory techniques, current protocols, molecular biology, biology, biochemistry

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How to Reduce Bumping on a Rotovap


Reduce bumping on the rotovap to minimize compound loss while removing solvent under reduced pressure. Otherwise, you'll find yourself diassembling and rinsing every square inch of the rotovap in a desperate attempt to recover what's left of your precious product.

Tagged as: rotovap, rotavap, bump guard, science videos, current protocols, laboratory techniques, benchfly, chemistry, chemical biology, rotary, evaporator

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Preparing a Flow Cell


This video illustrates the preparation of a single channel flow cell. The cell is made up of a slide, a cover slip, and two pieces of double-sided tape. Liquids can be flowed into the chamber via capillary action. Excess liquied can be swept up with a kim wipe.

Tagged as: kinesin, koch lab, microfluidics, optical tweezers,

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Preparing a Two Sample Flow Cell


This video illustrates how to make a double sample flow cell, where 2 microfluidics experiments can be run side-by-side. We use this setup typically in our DNA tethering experiments. The setup is composed of a slide, a cover slip, and double-sided tape.

Tagged as: cell, flow, kinesin, optical tweezers, microfluidics, koch lab

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How to Leave a Comment


This is the easiest way to leave a comment on BenchFly. Set it up once in under a minute and you won't have to login ever again!

Tagged as: intensedebate, intense debate, demo, screenshot, science videos, current protocols, laboratory techniques, benchfly


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