97 Search Results for "gel and acrylamide and agarose"  – Page 10

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How to clean a rotovap


I do this about once a week to keep our rotovap clean. Great way to remove debris and condensation.

Tagged as: tip, rotary evaporator, acetone bath,

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How to Cut TLC Plates


Here we show how to cut TLC plates, specifically glass-backed plates, by scoring and snapping them.

Tagged as: glass, tlc, thin layer, chromatography, laboratory techniques, science videos, current protocols, silica, chemistry, chemical biology

Almost done...

DIY UV Developing Chamber


Create your own UV developing chamber to eliminate the accidental UV exposure when running TLCs or from a careless labmate...we've got one of these developing chambers on every bench. Cheap and easy.

Tagged as: ultraviolet, tlc, plates, science videos, current protocols, laboratory techniques, benchfly, chemistry, chemical biology

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Microwave Ball Lightning


We put some melted wax and burning matches in a microwave so you don't have to.

Tagged as: southampton chemistry ball lightning plasma microwave

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Make Your Own Rapid Ligation Kit


Save lots of time and money when cloning by making your own rapid ligation kit as I demonstrate here. In my experience, this reagent performs exactly the same as other commercially available rapid ligation kits so there's no loss of quality by creating your own buffer.

Tagged as: ligase, rapid ligase, 5 minute ligation, fast ligation, time-saving, dna, cloning, molecular biology, biology, biochemistry, laboratory techniques, current protocols

Almost done...

How to Make an Old-fashioned


Here I pass along the art of how to make an old-fashioned, one of the most historic and delicious drinks around. Through years of personal experience, I've come to appreciate that it's very difficult to pour the perfect old-fashioned without measuring since the ratio of ingredients seems to impact the taste more than other drinks. After a hard day in the lab, treat yourself to one of these!

Tagged as: drink, whiskey, relax, benchlife

Almost done...

BLAT - A Powerful Genetic Search Tool


Not to be confused with BLAST, BLAT is a great tool in it's own right- one of my favorites. Great way to do easy genome searches- find related genes, chromosome locations and much more!

Tagged as: blast, database, laboratory techniques, science videos, current protocols, bioinformatics, computational, software, demo


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